Friday 29 August 2014

Site Analysis

It was on 19th of August that the 1st year architecture students of AIKTC had their first site visit. The site was just behind our collage campus and it was like a peninsula (Land with water on 3 sides.)
Some important points that were discussed before the visit were:

1. Light Quality:
The site had adequate amount of Light entering it as there were many trees planted there.

2. Vista(View)
The site had a beautiful view as it was covered with greenery on all sides. The Khanda village could be seen towards the north of the site, The south view of the site was our college and towards the east of the site a highway could be seen. All these places were seen far away from the site as it was covered by water on all sides.

3. Wind direction
The wind flow at the site had a flow from the north towards the south which is the same as our college.

4. Natural Vegetation
As the area is not much developed, there are a lot of wild plants and mushrooms growing around the site. The site is also a home to many huge and shady trees. Other than that due to availability of lots of water, the residents of the site grow a 'Singhada' bearing plant to earn their lively hood.

5. Water Availability
As the area is not much developed and the water surrounding the site is not fit for human usage, there is no availability of usage water available at the site. The residents at the site get water from the nearby village or from the college.

6. Environment
Trees provide coolness and absorb pollution from the air, and due to the number of trees and plants on the site, the area is a very cool area and in-spite on having a major roadway nearby, there is not much of pollution.

7. Surrounding of the Site
The Site is surrounded by Water on 3 sides other than that, the Khanda village could be seen towards the north of the site, The south view of the site was our college and towards the east of the site a highway could be seen.

8. Wild Life Habitation
In the water, there are a number of fishes, many a times snakes and frogs can also be seen. Other than that, the site is also a home to many birds and beautiful butterflies.

9. Access
The site is not easily accessible. One way of entering the site is through the grassy way that is from the north and there is another temporary way of entering the site through the water that is surrounding the site, this temporary way has been made by the residents itself.

10. Man Made Features
The only Man-Made structures present on the site are two small huts made up of bamboos, cartons and huge plastic sheets. The 'Singhada' plant that grows in the water is removed by the residents with the help of tubes that are used in the wheels of trucks. The person sits in the tube and removes the 'Singhadas' from the plant. They then sell those 'Singhadas' to earn their living.

11. Position on the Globe

12. Sensory
On the site, the sound from the train track could be heard very clearly as the tracks are just besides the track. Other than that, there was sound of the vehicles coming in from the roadside. Behind the tracks, there is a crematory which would cause a lot of air pollution whenever it would be used.

Other points discussed were
Latitude and Altitude.
Wind Protection.

Sun Direction(shadow direction).
Land Quality.
Soil Quality.
Division of land.
Field Texture.
Existing structures.
Study of Materials.
North Direction.
Level of Land.
Measurement of the site.
Ground Water Level.
Vantage points.
Nearby Resources.
Legality of Land.
History of Site.
Land Contamination.
Stability of Land.
Rule and Regulations.
Natural Features.